Wednesday, October 6, 2010

God in the Seasons

In Spring we are reminded
of the magnificence of Your creation,
as the earth is covered in verdant green,
with splendid splashes of color,
and we witness birth everywhere,
of animals bearing their young,
of buds turning into leaves and flowers
and our own moods being reborn
with renewed energy and life.

in Summer, we remember
the warmth of Your love for us
and the light of Your goodness.
Both are everywhere for those who look.
Thank You for butterflies,
birds and wildlife for us to enjoy,
water to swim in,
and weather that frees us to romp and play
while outdoor pleasures are at their peak.

In Fall, we thank you for Your cooling breezes,
that bring relief from the relentless summer heat.
We see bright colors fading and dying,
leaves turning brown, crisp, disintegrating,
only to be reborn next year,
reminding us that every living thing, including us,
must die in some way before being reborn.

In Winter, as white snow blankets the ground,
we are reminded of Your purity and Your perfection.
The complexity and beauty of each single snowflake
only hints at Your transcendent intelligence and creativity.
We hunker down and snuggle in,
knowing this season will wind down
and Spring will reappear, as it always has
because You created an orderly, predictable universe,
not by chance, but from your flawless design.

Thank You for the seasons, Lord,
and everything in them
that You created for our enjoyment.

By Joanna Fuchs

'The little dog lost at sea'

This article,'The little dog lost at sea',made me think how complicated we, human being are. I also could see how we have a necessity to do something good,not for others,but for ourselves.
Sometimes, we feel guilty about small things, but we often forget about the big ones. While many people are dying, many of them children, others people are caring about the bag, that they couldn't buy, or the car that they dream with...things like that.
When people can't focus on one small face and name near us, we can't care about it, the author ex plans that.
People are caring about their owns pets, buying thins at pet shops, while children are forgotten in orphanages begging for adoption.It's sad, but, like my teacher Diane says:''It is what it is''. I don't have an answer for this, but It's good to take same time to think about what I could do to make the world better and people happier. We can start with ones that are right here, besides us. Maybe We can make a difference and provoke someone to do the same, like a cascade effect. It would be great. Anyway as much as we want we don't understand everything.